Aluminium Hazard Warning Diamond Placards

Have you heard about our aluminium diamond placards yet?
One of our newest products to be officially released is the all new aluminium diamond placard. Not only do these placards look great but they also perform better in service whilst reducing operating costs.
Printed directly to the aluminium substrate these placards totally eliminate the use of plastics and vinyl's in their construction. This makes them environmentally friendly and also ensures they do not brittle, break, peel or degrade whilst in service.
Designed and manufactured to be UV stable for prolonged outdoor use these placards simply wipe clean ready for the next load!
Supplied in either thicker rigid or thinner flexible aluminium material these can be used in holders or attached to curved vessel shells, chassis or vehicles etc.
These hazard placard diamonds are now available as slide-in panels for existing holders, magnetic backed or with a permanent self adhesive backing.
Suitable for use on any bulk transportable tank container, road barrel, IBC, rail car or commercial vehicle.
This aluminium sign technology is also available for other applications, indoor or outdoor, such as:
Vehicle signs
Factory signs
Data plates
Safety warning signs
Advertising signs
Hygienic "wipe clean" catering menus
If you want to stand out or you simply have a requirement for our aluminium signs then please contact our sales team for further assistance:
Tel: 0044 1282 932 052